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Der 7bte Zwerg (2015 film)

Genre's Adventure, Anime & Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy,
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Der 7bte Zwerg


Date Released:07/31/2015
Running time: 87 minutes
Short Description / Synopsis
In the castle Fantabularasa is a big celebration because of the 18th birthday of Princess Rose. She has a curse of an evil Ice Fairy. If she stands up until midnight on a sharp object, the whole kingdom will sleep hundred years. That's why the princess has to armor. Everything is going according to plan until the clumsy Bubi, the seventh dwarf, committing a big mistake and Dellamortas curse is started. Only with a kiss of true love the curse can be stopped. But Dellamorta caught the Kitchen Boy Jack who loves Rose. With the help of the Dragon Burner the dwarves search the “Prince Charming”.

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